50 Hour Hatha Yoga Classes

Duration : 50 Hrs.
Hatha Yoga ('Ha' refers to the sun, and 'tha' refers to the moon.)
The type of yoga known as "hatha yoga" has amassed a significant amount of popularity all around the world. This kind of yoga places an emphasis on physical postures and breathing practises as a means of enhancing one's strength, flexibility, and balance, as well as their general health. One of the most classic and time-honoured types of yoga, known as Hatha Yoga, can be traced back to India and has been practised there for millennia. The Indian Federation of Yoga is one such organisation that provides training and classes in Hatha Yoga to anyone who is interested in learning more about this age-old practise and experiencing the advantages it has to offer.
Hatha Yoga derives its name from a combination of two Sanskrit words: "Ha," which translates to "sun," and "Tha," which translates to "moon." Together, these words represent the harmony that exists between polarities in the cosmos. It is claimed that regularly practising Hatha Yoga can assist in bringing mental, physical, and spiritual equilibrium and harmony to one's life. Hatha yoga is a kind of yoga that emphasises physical postures known as asanas and breathing exercises known as pranayama. Hatha yoga is practised to achieve a state of mental and physical equilibrium.
The Indian Federation of Yoga offers classes in Hatha Yoga for participants of various ages and levels of experience. The purpose of the sessions is to assist participants in improving both their mental and physical health through increased flexibility and physical conditioning. The sessions are given by skilled and qualified instructors who have a comprehensive knowledge of the advantages associated with the practise of Hatha Yoga as well as its practise.
At the Indian Federation of Yoga, students taking a Hatha Yoga session may expect to be led through a sequence of physical postures, known as asanas, with the instructor instructing them to hold each one for a few breaths at a time. These positions are meant to increase your range of motion, strength, and balance, as well as your general physical well-being. The teacher will also lead the students through a variety of breathing exercises and pranayama methods, all of which contribute to the calming of the mind, the reduction of stress, and the enhancement of relaxation.
Flexibility is greatly enhanced as a result of regular practise of Hatha yoga, which is one of its primary advantages. Asanas, which are the physical postures that are practised in Hatha Yoga lessons, assist in stretching and lengthening the muscles, which in turn increases their range of motion and general flexibility. This can assist in lowering the likelihood of receiving an injury, enhancing sports performance, and contributing to an overall improvement in physical fitness.
The practise of Hatha Yoga has been shown to have a number of positive effects on mental health in addition to its many physical advantages. In Hatha Yoga sessions, students learn breathing methods known as pranayama. These practises can help reduce stress, anxiety, and sadness and create feelings of relaxation and tranquilly. There is evidence that doing Hatha Yoga can enhance the quality of sleep as well as one's general mental health.
Hatha yoga may be practised by anyone of any age or degree of physical fitness, making it extremely inclusive. Individuals who may be new to yoga as well as those who have been practising for years should feel comfortable and confident participating in the sessions provided by the Indian Federation of Yoga since they are designed to be both safe and effective. The yoga teachers of the Indian Federation of Yoga have received extensive training to enable them to offer modifications and adjustments to their pupils, which can assist students of varying ability levels in improving their practise and reducing the risk of injury.
In general, Hatha yoga is a well-liked and productive kind of yoga that has the potential to bring several advantages for both one's physical and mental health. Classes in Hatha Yoga, which are offered by the Indian Federation of Yoga, will assist you in enhancing your physical fitness, lowering your stress levels, and promoting your overall wellbeing, regardless of whether you are new to yoga or an experienced practitioner.
A basic foundation course of 50 hrs/15 days in yoga asanas, kriyas, meditation, and pranayama will be imparted
Yoga Postures
- Surya namaskar (sun salutations) – dynamic Surya namaskar, surya namaskar with breathing awareness, surya namaskar with mantra chanting.
- Types of hatha posture – standing poses, sitting poses, backward bending poses, forward bending poses, spinal twisting poses, etc.
- Postural alignment
- Counter pose
- Sitting postures for pranayama practice
- Types of pranayama – nadi shodhana pranayama, bhastrika, brahmari, and anuloma viloma.
- Jalandharabandha (chin lock)
- Uddiyanabandha (abdominal lock)
- Mulabandha (root lock)
- What is meditation & what is not?
- Shavasana and Yogic breathing
Yogic Kriya
- Jal Neti
- Vaman Kriya or Gajakarni
Hath yoga is to be of service. yoga does not simply exercise. it is much more than that. hath yoga acknowledges the fact that we live as a part of a universe and come with its own set of expectations. we are constantly being consumed by other people and their’s needs, but have to create balance within ourselves in order to stay at peace with ourselves.
What are hatha yoga poses and how many hatha yoga poses are there?
We have given all details about the hatha yoga poses and benefits of hatha yoga in our article. Indian Federation of Yoga teaches advanced hatha yoga poses to all our yoga students and also teaches them the perfect mudras of hatha yoga. Hatha Yoga is good for all of those who want to lose weight with hatha yoga.
Asanas, physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation are all emphasized in hatha yoga. Depending on the instructor or type of yoga practice, hatha yoga positions, also known as asanas, might vary. Nonetheless, some typical ones include:
- Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
- Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
- Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
- Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
- Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
- Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
- Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
- Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
- Child's Pose (Balasana)
- Corpse Pose (Savasana)
These postures can be practiced separately or as a part of a fluid sequence, and they can be adjusted for different levels of expertise and physical prowess. To prevent damage, it's crucial to practice under the supervision of a skilled teacher and pay attention to your body.
Can beginners do hatha yoga?
Yes anyone can do hatha yoga - the Indian Federation of Yoga has designed a hatha yoga course for yoga beginners and newcomers. In research, we have seen that with the help of hatha yoga, you can burn 100 to 180 calories in an hour of hatha yoga.
For newcomers to yoga, hatha yoga is an excellent place to start. Hatha yoga is a moderate kind of yoga that emphasizes basic poses and breathing. Here are some pointers for beginning Hatha yoga:
Get an excellent instructor: Find a certified yoga instructor who can walk you through the fundamentals of Hatha yoga. Local classes might be found nearby online or in your neighborhood.
Dress comfortably: Wear loose, comfortable clothes that don't restrict your movement. Leggings or yoga pants and a loose-fitting top are suitable choices.
Hatha yoga is a gentle kind of yoga, so begin slowly and pay attention to your breath. Avoid overdoing it and pay attention to your body.
Regular practice: Try to do Hatha yoga at least once or twice per week for 20 to 30 minutes. The key is consistency.
Hatha yoga places a strong emphasis on deep breathing and relaxation. When you practice, pay attention to your breathing and make an effort to take calm, deep breaths.
Start with simple poses: The mountain pose, the warrior pose, and the downward-facing dog pose is a few simple poses to try. These poses can be demonstrated to you by your teacher, who can also assist you correct your alignment.
Relaxation at the end: Following your exercise, spend a few minutes unwinding in the corpse pose. Breathe deeply while lying on your back with your arms and legs extended.
Keep in mind that Hatha yoga emphasizes deep breathing, relaxation, and gentle movement. It's a fantastic way to lower stress levels, increase flexibility, and support general wellness.
Types of hatha yoga
In order to enhance general health and well-being, hatha yoga focuses on specific physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Hatha yoga comes in a wide variety of forms, each with its own purpose and aesthetic. The most popular varieties of hatha yoga include the following:
Iyengar Yoga: This kind of yoga emphasizes exact alignment and makes use of props like blocks, straps, and blankets to assist practitioners in achieving the right alignment in each posture.
Ashtanga Yoga: This vigorous, physically taxing form of yoga calls for a specified series of poses that are each held for a predetermined amount of breaths. It's frequently called "power yoga."
Vinyasa yoga: This form is distinguished by fluid, breath-synchronized movements. Courses can be demanding and fast-paced, but adjustments are frequently made for students of varied skill levels.
Bikram Yoga is a style of yoga that is also referred to as "hot yoga." It is performed in a room that is heated to 105°F (40°C) with a humidity level of 40%. It consists of two breathing exercises and a predetermined sequence of 26 poses.
By supporting the body in gentle, passive poses that are held for several minutes, restorative yoga focuses on relaxation and stress alleviation.
In order to release energy that is thought to be coiled at the base of the spine, Kundalini Yoga combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.
Yin yoga aims to stretch the body's connective tissue by having participants hold positions for a number of minutes at a time.
what are hatha yoga classes?
Asanas, or physical postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation or meditation techniques are often the main topics covered in hatha yoga programs. These sessions are appropriate for all skill levels, from novices to experienced practitioners, and are frequently instructed more slowly and gently than other types of yoga.
You can anticipate moving through a number of postures in a typical Hatha yoga class, focusing on proper alignment and breathing while holding each pose for a number of breaths. Along with relaxation or meditation techniques, the session might also cover some pranayama or breathing techniques.
Classes in hatha yoga can be found online, in gyms, community centers, and yoga studios, among other places. They might be instructed by licensed yoga instructors who have completed specialized training in Hatha yoga and who can offer adjustments and adaptations to suit various levels of experience and physical prowess.
See your doctor first if you're interested in practicing Hatha yoga, especially if you have any health issues or injuries. To locate the instructor or teaching style that works best for you, you can also search for classes in your region or online.
what are the benefits of hatha yoga?
There are numerous emotional, mental, and physical advantages of hatha yoga. Regular Hatha yoga practise has the following possible advantages:
Enhances flexibility: Hatha yoga entails several postures that can assist stretch and lengthen your muscles, increasing your overall flexibility.
Strengthens muscles: Another aspect of hatha yoga is holding poses for a long time, which can strengthen your muscles and increase the tone of your entire body.
Enhances stability and balance: Several Hatha yoga postures call for you to balance on one foot or one hand, which can enhance your stability and overall balance.
Reduces anxiety and stress: The emphasis on breathing and mindfulness in Hatha yoga can help to reduce anxiety and tension, encouraging a peaceful and relaxed state of mind.
Enhances cardiovascular health: Hatha yoga may also assist the heart by reducing blood pressure and boosting circulation.
The immune system boosts: Frequent Hatha yoga practice may also strengthen your immune system, assisting in the defense against illness and disease.
Hatha yoga can help you become more mindful and self-aware, enabling you to better comprehend your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This practice also encourages mindfulness.
Relieves persistent pain: According to certain research, Hatha yoga may be useful in lessening persistent pain, including lower back discomfort.
Practicing Hatha yoga can greatly enhance your physical and mental health and your general quality of life.
What are the mudras of hatha yoga?
In yoga and meditation, mudras—hand positions or gestures—are employed to focus attention and channel energy. There are a few mudras that are employed in Hatha yoga as well, despite mudras being more frequently linked with other types of yoga, such as Kundalini yoga. These are a few instances:
Gyan Mudra: The other fingers are straight while the tip of the index finger is touched to the tip of the thumb in this mudra. It is claimed to improve wisdom and knowledge.
Chin Mudra: This mudra entails extending the other three fingers while touching the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb. It is supposed to promote focus and concentration.
Yoni Mudra: This mudra entails touching the tips of the index fingers to the tips of the thumbs while holding the hands on the lap with the palms facing up. It is claimed to encourage a feeling of tranquility and inner peace.
Anjali Mudra: In this mudra, the hands are brought together in front of the heart, pointing upward. It is frequently used as a greeting or a sign of respect and is thought to assist keep the body's energies in harmony.
Hridaya Mudra: This mudra entails placing the left hand over the right hand and placing the right hand over the heart with the fingers facing upward. It is claimed to encourage a feeling of inner balance and harmony.
These mudras can be used independently or in conjunction with a Hatha yoga routine to maximize the advantages of the asanas and breathing exercises.
What are the components of hatha yoga?
The three main components of hatha yoga are asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation. The main elements of a normal Hatha yoga practice are as follows:
Asanas: Hatha yoga entails a number of physical postures that aim to promote flexibility, balance, and coordination while also strengthening and stretching the muscles. These positions can either be held for a number of breaths or flowed through sequentially.
Pranayama: A crucial component of Hatha yoga, pranayama is the technique of managing the breath. Various breathing exercises can be used to regulate the neurological system, invigorate the body, or soothe the mind.
Meditation: Hatha yoga frequently entails some type of meditation or relaxation exercise that can assist to clear the mind and foster inner tranquility and well-being.
Mindfulness: Hatha yoga places a strong emphasis on mindfulness, which is paying attention to the present moment and becoming more conscious of one's thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.
Philosophy: Hatha yoga is founded on a concept that emphasizes the harmony of one's own self and others as well as the integration of one's body, mind, and spirit. Yoga philosophy readings or talks may be a part of some Hatha yoga sessions.
By combining these components, Hatha yoga can help to improve physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Hatha yoga is suitable for all levels of experience and physical abilities and can be practiced in a variety of settings, including yoga studios, gyms, community centers, and online. Indian Federation of Yoga running Yoga Studios in Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar and Himachal Pradesh.
Can hatha yoga lose weight?
Hatha yoga may not be the most effective approach to reducing weight on its own, but it can be a useful supplement to such efforts. Hatha yoga may aid in weight loss in the following ways:
Burn calories: Hatha yoga can still be a moderate kind of exercise that burns calories and adds to a calorie deficit, which is required for weight loss, even though it may not burn as many calories as high-intensity aerobics or weightlifting.
Improve muscular tone: By strengthening and toning the muscles, Hatha yoga can boost metabolism and cause the body to burn more calories even while it is at rest.
Increased regularity of bowel movements and a reduction in bloating can promote weight loss attempts. Hatha yoga may aid with improved digestion and the relief of constipation.
Decrease stress: Long-term stress can cause weight gain and make it difficult to lose weight. Hatha yoga can aid in stress reduction and relaxation, both of which may benefit weight loss.
Enhance sleep: Obtaining enough good sleep is essential for weight loss, and Hatha yoga can do this by easing tension and encouraging relaxation.
All things considered, Hatha yoga can be a beneficial addition to a weight loss program, especially when combined with a wholesome diet and other forms of exercise. By burning calories, boosting muscle mass, enhancing digestion, lowering stress levels, and encouraging better sleep, it can improve weight loss.
Can you do hatha yoga when pregnant?
Hatha yoga can be a secure and advantageous activity for women who are pregnant, but it's vital to proceed with caution and under the supervision of a certified yoga teacher with prenatal yoga training.
When practicing Hatha yoga while expecting, bear the following in mind:
Contact your doctor: To make sure that practicing Hatha yoga during pregnancy is safe for both you and your unborn child, it is crucial to speak with your doctor before beginning or continuing the practice.
Choose the right positions: Due to your changing body during pregnancy, some yoga poses may be unsafe or require modification. For instance, positions that demand you to lie on your back for an extended period of time may be hazardous or uncomfortable once you pass the first trimester.
Pranayama (breathing exercises) might be beneficial for lowering stress and encouraging relaxation during pregnancy, but some techniques (such as breath retention) should be avoided.
Pregnant women should exercise in a cool, well-ventilated environment to prevent overheating. They should also avoid holding positions for too long.
Like with any form of activity during pregnancy, it's crucial to pay attention to your body and refrain from pushing yourself too far. It is crucial to adjust or avoid a pose or exercise if it hurts or feels uncomfortable.
Overall, doing Hatha yoga while pregnant can be safe and healthy with the right instruction and safety measures. It can aid in increasing flexibility, lowering tension, encouraging relaxation, and getting the body ready for birthing.
Can you do hatha yoga every day?
Certainly, as long as you pay attention to your body and practice within your limits, it is generally safe to practice Hatha yoga every day. In fact, daily Hatha yoga practice can enhance flexibility, strength, balance, and general well-being, among other things.
Here are some pointers for daily Hatha yoga practice:
Beginner's tip: If you're new to yoga, it's crucial to ease into the practice and build it up gradually over time. Start with shorter practices (10–15 minutes) and then lengthen them as you get more comfortable.
Change it up: To avoid boredom and overuse injuries, it's crucial to change up your Hatha yoga routine every day. To keep your practice interesting and new, experiment with various poses, sequences, and breathing techniques.
It's crucial to practice within your limitations and pay attention to your body. It's crucial to adjust or avoid a position or action if it hurts or creates discomfort. Remind yourself that your body needs time to relax and heal and try not to push yourself too hard.
Employ props: By modifying poses and making your practice more accessible and comfortable, props like blocks, straps, and blankets can aid you. Don't be scared to use props to enhance and assist your practice.
Cultivate mindfulness: Hatha yoga emphasizes self-awareness and mindfulness in addition to physical postures. During your practice, cultivate mindfulness by paying attention to your breath and being in the now.
Overall, daily Hatha yoga practice can be a great method to enhance your physical and mental health. Just keep in mind to start out cautiously, pay attention to your body, and change up your practice to keep it interesting and fun.
How can I learn hatha yoga at home?
Although it is always advised to learn Hatha yoga in person from an instructor certified by the Indian Federation of Yoga (IFY), there are a number of ways to do so. The following advice will help you learn Hatha yoga at home:
Locate a trustworthy Indian Federation of Yoga (IFY) website here: For learning and practicing Hatha yoga at home, there are numerous online tools from the Indian Federation of Yoga (IFY), including videos, websites, and apps. Seek for Indian Federation of Yoga (IFY) materials that provide clear instructions and demonstrations and are led by qualified, experienced yoga teachers.
Invest in a book or DVD on Hatha yoga from the Indian Federation of Yoga (IFY): By obtaining a book or DVD from the Indian Federation of Yoga (IFY), which offers thorough instructions and images of poses and sequences, you can also practice Hatha yoga at home. Search for Indian Federation of Yoga (IFY) resources that were published or created by organizations or teachers who are qualified to teach yoga.
Make a special place: Create a place in your house where you may practice Hatha yoga. A spare room, a nook in a room, or even just a yoga mat in a peaceful setting can serve as this. Make sure the area is distraction-free and has adequate ventilation.
Start with the fundamentals: If you are new to Hatha yoga, it is crucial to build your practice up gradually. Start with straightforward postures and movements, concentrating on correct alignment and breath awareness.
Regular practice is essential if you want to get the rewards of Hatha yoga. Start with brief practices (10–15 minutes), then gradually lengthen them as you get more comfortable.
It's important to practice within your limitations and pay attention to your body. It's crucial to adjust or avoid a position or action if it hurts or creates discomfort. Remind yourself that your body needs time to relax and heal and try not to push yourself too hard.
To guarantee perfect alignment, prevent injury, and maximize the benefits of your practise, it is always advised to seek assistance from a competent yoga teacher, even though learning and practicing Hatha yoga at home can be a handy and economical choice.
Pricing | $52.00 |
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Cobus Bester March 7, 2013
Really happy with this print. The colors are great, and the paper quality is very good.
Cobus Bester March 7, 2013
Really happy with this print. The colors are great, and the paper quality is very good.
Cobus Bester March 7, 2013
Really happy with this print. The colors are great, and the paper quality is very good.