सभी छात्रों को तथा मेंबर्स को ये सूचित किया जाता है कि हमारे संज्ञान में आया है उत्तर प्रदेश में श्री साईं योग संस्थान और कुछ फर्जी संस्थाएं हमारी संस्था का नाम लिखकर अपना खुद का फर्जी सर्टिफिकेट तथा मार्कशीट दे रहे है जो कि पूर्णता फर्जी है। हमारे सभी अधिकृत संस्थानों का वेरिफिकेशन हमारी वेबसाइट पर दे रखे है, सभी छात्रों को सूचित किया जाता है कि केवल हमारे अधिकृत ट्रेनिंग सेंटर पर ही एडमिशन लीजिये। अधिक जानकारी के लिए इंडियन फेडरेशन ऑफ़ योगा के हेड ऑफिस से संपर्क करें ।
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India Federation Yoga

Indian Federation Yoga

Indian Federation of Yoga (IFY) has been setup to provide a platform to the organizations in India as well as abroad who are working in field of Yoga education & undertake research on Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, and other natural medical treatments. We are a Group of reputed organizations working with sole motto of propagating traditional learning of Yoga to the masses as well as the experts in the field.

We are a Non-profit organization doing charitable services to preserve the ancient Indian tradition through popularizing the Yoga lessons without any mercenary motive. With this sole objective in mind, we are bringing together the Yoga fraternity from all over the world. We strongly believe that this kind of our activity will give significant boosting to this rich heritage of India, which unquestionably forms the backbone of the Indian civilization as well as culture.